Toilet Components & What They Do: Everything A Homeowner Should Know

Choosing between one-piece and two-piece toilets is one of the most confusing things when it comes to buying toilet components. Many users are trapped in a mindset that the older, proven two-piece toilets are better than one-piece toilets, which can’t be further from the truth. Modern one-piece toilet units allow for a wide variety of customization options and a more versatile design for smaller bathrooms. When it comes to choosing a toilet for your home, you’re better off with a one-piece design.


There’s no denying that one-piece and two-piece toilets have a lot of similarities. For starters, they both do the same work. Both toilet designs consume the same quantity of water and, in most cases, flush in a similar manner. One-piece and two-piece toilets have a similar installation method in general. However, one-piece toilets have an edge over two-piece toilets in a few areas. In this article, we tell you why one-piece toilets are the superior option.


The Difference Between One-Piece and Two-Piece Toilets

Toilet picture

The toilet is made up of three components i.e. the bowl, water tank, and the pedestal. The bowl collects the waste and flushes it out to the drain pipe. The tank stores water and provides the pressure required to flush out waste from the bowl. The pedestal provides the required height for a toilet. When the toilet and the tank come as separate components that are connected using fittings, it is referred to as a two-piece toilet.


Sometimes, the toilet and tank are fused together sans any joint connections. This type of toilet design is referred to as a one-piece or single-piece toilet. You can easily tell the difference between the two toilet designs by simply looking at them. The two-piece toilet has a visible clear seam while the one-piece toilet doesn’t. Now that you understand the difference between these toilet components, let’s look at some of the advantages one-piece toilets have over two-piece toilets.



Men installing toilet



Two-piece toilets consist of a separate bowl and tank whereas one-piece toilets will have the tank fused with the bowl to create a single unit. You’re basically working with a single unit, so it’s much easier to install a single piece toilet compared to a two-piece unit that comes with standalone components. Two-piece toilets are significantly bulky and cumbersome. Therefore, you need to consider the level of expertise you need for the installation as well as the space restrictions in your bathroom.


Ease of Cleaning

Cleaning brushes besides toilet

One-piece toilets are easier to clean compared to their two-piece counterparts. That’s because single piece toilets have fewer cavities and rifts between the toilet bowl and the tank. A lot of people prefer the single piece design solely for its simplicity. In a two-piece toilet, the joint area is hard to clean thoroughly without having to remove the tank. If left unclean for a long period of time, this area can be a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. One-piece toilets have no space for dirt and grime to gather hence more hygienic.




Compared to two-piece toilets, one-piece toilet designs have more solid construction. The one-piece toilet design incorporates a single piece of ceramic, meaning fewer toilet components such as flushing elements and exposed pipes. The toilet components are, therefore, protected from external elements like excess moisture that can significantly reduce their lifespan. Since it’s just one unit, there are lesser separate parts to upkeep.


From an engineering point of view, fewer moving parts or connectivity makes equipment more reliable. One-piece toilet designs are more durable than two-piece toilets. Aside from replacing the interior parts of the tank such as the toilet fill valve as required, no upkeep is required for a one-piece toilet. Under proper care and usage, this toilet design can last for years. You’ll never have to worry about out-leaking problems since these toilets don’t have joining parts.


Size Factor


When it comes to size, one-piece toilet designs are way smaller than two-piece toilets. One-piece toilets are the best option when it comes to installing a toilet in bathrooms with limited square footage. One-piece toilets sit lower on the ground and their handles are placed lower, which makes them a great option for households with children or persons with disability. But the biggest advantage of one-piece toilets — as far as size is concerned — is their space-saving capabilities.


Since the tank and the bowl come as a single unit, there is no need to make provisions to support the tank. This makes the overall construction more compact and that’s the biggest space saver. Size also plays a crucial role when it comes to installation and maintenance. The small compact size makes them easier to install. Cleaning and maintenance are also extremely easy when dealing with a one-piece toilet design.




When it comes to aesthetics, one-piece toilet design is the clear winner. One-piece toilets look great if that matters to you. Since the toilet is made without joints and gaps between the toilet bowl and the tank, it’s easy to see where the beauty comes in. Design-wise, it’s easy to find one-piece and two-piece toilets with the same design. The only major difference in the appearance between the two types of toilet components is that one is fused together while the other comes as separate elements joined together with fittings.




So, which toilet performs better between one-piece and two-piece toilets? Well, none. Both toilet designs are quite similar as far as performance and functionality are concerned. The interior parts are almost identical, especially if they come from the same manufacturer. In most cases, one-piece and two-piece toilets have identical levels of efficiency and flushing power. However, one-piece toilets tend to offer better features and specifications.


Data shows that about 80 percent of toilets sold in the United States are two-piece units. But that’s mainly due to the fact that two-piece toilets have been in existence for longer and users have become accustomed to them. One-piece toilets offer better features and really fit into modern lifestyles where space is an issue and houses keep getting smaller. When choosing a toilet for your home, consider your tastes and preferences as well as personal comfort and don’t place too much stock in price.

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