Best Portable & Camping Toilet Reviews: Top Porta Potties for Travel & RVs (Plus Folding Options)

Best Portable and Camping Toilet ReviewsPortable toilets are often referred to as “camping toilets” or “porta-potty”, but they’re not just limited to outdoor camping trips and remote site. Portable camping toilets are used in any area where traditional toilet facilities and services are inconvenient or absent entirely—from boats to campsites to cabins to workshop stations. Every regular camper should have a portable loo to hand. Many other folks will find they’re handy as well!

It is important to choose a high-quality portable camping toilet, so you do not end up with a biological hazard on your hands and you do not end up searching for a proper restroom in the middle of the night. That’s why you want to read this guide and toilet information before you buy!

There are many different options when you are shopping for a portable camping toilet. In this guide and blog, we’ll introduce you to all the various portable camping toilet setups you can use, and show you a few of the most ideal portable toilets we’ve found. Our in-depth reviews will help you learn about the pros and cons of each approach and each model of toilet in particular.

Read on for more information to see all the portable camping toilets we currently recommend and check out our reviews to determine why they made our cut.

Best Camping Toilet Reviews

#1 Green Elephant Porta Potty and Commode Chair

Extremely Practical

  • Star Rating: 4.5
  • Highlight: Collapsible, Light & Durable
  • Price: $$
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#2 Reliance Control Luggable Loo Portable 5 Gallon Toilet

Easy Set-up

  • Star Rating: 4.6
  • Highlight: Simple & Sturdy
  • Price: $
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#3 Camco Portable 41541 Travel Toilet

Excellent Portability

  • Star Rating: 4.4
  • Highlight: Designed to Last
  • Price: $$$
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#4 Dometic 301097202 Portable Toilet

Semi-real Feel

  • Star Rating: 3.8
  • Highlight: Comes with a Handle
  • Price: $$$$
Check Price
#5 Sanitation Equipment Visa Potty Model: 248

Superior Flush System

  • Star Rating: 4.0
  • Highlight: Waste Tank & Water Level Indicators
  • Price: $$$$
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#6 Cleanwaste Go Anywhere Complete Portable Toilet System

Complete Setup But Most Expensive

  • Star Rating: 3.9
  • Highlight: Maximum Privacy
  • Price: $$$$$
Check Price


1. Top Pick: Green Elephant Folding Commode Comfort Chair

The height of this porta-potty and the standard-sized seat are perhaps the best features on this model.

The best ideas are often the simplest. That belief clearly inspired our best toilet pick, the uncomplicated but extremely practical Green Elephant toilet. It is essentially a rebranded version of our old best recommendation, the discontinued but much-beloved Travel Toilet! It is a restroom-on-the-go!

The Green Elephant is a super light toilet but it’s more than robust enough to support the average person. It is made with a reinforced steel frame, which folds for easy packing and carrying. The toilet seat itself is also the size and shape of a standard toilet seat and even comes with a bathroom tissue roll holder. Excrement is collected in easy disposable plastic toilet waste bags that are securely held by the double-layered toilet seat. And when not in use, it doesn’t take up too much space in your storage area.

We suggest this toilet for hiking, and for any sort of camping expedition where portability service in site and compactness count! It is by far the easiest and best standalone choice to carry and setup in no time. It’s also a lot more durable than other portable toilets sold today.


Green Elephant Folding Commode Comfort Chair

Exceptionally light yet durable, The Green Elephant toilet suffers from none of the problems commonly found in its collapsible toilet competition. Typically, this style of portable commode is unstable, breaks easily and isn’t suited for larger bodies or long-term use, not the best restroom alternative. But with this toilet, you can set up your porta potty station with ease. It can provide a sturdy seating area.

Not so with The Travel Toilet. The reinforced steel is built to support any body type for years to come, despite the toilet weighing less than 4 pounds. It is rated to 250 pounds. The toilet stand is designed for stability, too, preventing any disastrous situations caused by tipping over. That’s super important, or you can end up on the ground and in something unsavory.

The height of this porta-potty and the standard-sized seat are perhaps the best features on this model.

Overall, it is surprisingly well-made for something so inexpensive. It is not free but the price is close. The metal components are coated for rust-resistance in outdoor settings. The toilet seat is hard, dense plastic that can easily take some time of use. It is bolted onto the frame, so it is not going anywhere in a hurry! We think this toilet is a very good investment.

You can use whichever toilet bags or waste containers you like. You’re not tied to any proprietary refills or things like that. The portable frame can be used with traditional plastic garbage bags, or with special “bio-bags.” Anything sized to 8 gallons will work well. You just wrap the waste bag all around the seat, and your body weight will hold it in place every time. Easy!

If you are setting up at a campsite in the woods, or somewhere discreet, you could also put up the Green Elephant over a latrine hole and avoid the bags altogether. You’ll need to dig and fill your own toilet waste pit, though. This approach also tends to be smellier, since you can’t put a lid over your waste bag. The base is wide enough that you do not have to worry about the legs ending up in the pit, either.

The height of this porta-potty and the standard-sized seat are perhaps the best features on this model. At 16.4” high—about the height of a normal toilet in a restroom—the Travel Toilet is the best portable choice for individuals who are looking for a bit more luxury in the great outdoors. It has a wide seat that’s much more comfortable and accommodating than the cramped, small seats on most traditional portable toilets and camping models, a real portable station for accessibility.

You do not have to squat, so this one’s a great, easy, portable choice for older folks, pregnant women, or anyone else who finds the usual squatting behind a tree too uncomfortable.  Even smaller persons will notice a big difference in ease of use with this unit. It is as close as you’ll get to the feeling of a standard toilet on the go.

It even has an easy toilet paper hook built-in! All the little creature comforts count when you are going to the bathroom in the woods, so that’s a big plus for us. You do not want to have to leave your toilet paper on the ground to get dirty. Plus, it is not comfortable to keep bending over every time you need to wipe. It is easy to keep this portable camping toilet clean.


While it is very affordable compared to more elaborate portable toilets like the Camco, it is a bit pricey next to other folding-type models. We think it is worth it because of the sturdiness, but it is undeniably on the more expensive end of the portable spectrum.

It lacks an easy closure mechanism. If you don’t want to throw away the waste bag after every use, it will quickly become unpleasant for obvious reasons. Some users have improvised their own lid to address this problem, using trash containers, plywood, or opaque plastic coverings. However, the lack of an included topper is pretty disappointing because of the high price tag.

You’ll have to buy bags separately. Lots of different toilet waste bags are available on Amazon, though.

It doesn’t have a handle, though the frame is very easy to grab.


2. Reliance Luggable Loo

It is popular among camping, fishing, and hunting enthusiasts, and it is also a key component in many disaster-preparedness kits.

Our second pick is also very streamlined in design. But simplicity hasn’t kept the Reliance Luggable Loo from the best-selling spot among portable camping toilets on Amazon. If you don’t mind sitting a little lower to the ground, it is a great little throne. You will be happy using your little restroom station.

The Luggable Loo is  the best 5-gallon portable bucket-style toilet, with a hinged molded seat and snap-on cover. It is popular among camping, fishing, and hunting enthusiasts, and it is also a key component in many disaster-preparedness kits.

Users can line the inside of it with disposable plastic containers, and a compatible set of “Double Doodie” bag linings can be purchased from Reliance. Many owners prefer to use basic trash collection, and we’d also suggest using an odor-neutralizing waste absorbent (like kitty litter or peat moss). The best thing about this one is you can use it any way you like!


Reliance Luggable LooThe Luggable Loo is probably the most economical one available on Amazon. At roughly a third of the cost of The the Green Elephant, it is a great choice for those looking for a basic but reliable portable toilet that doesn’t break the bank. After all, it is basically a bucket with a comfortable seat.

We really love this portable toilet, and we’re not alone! Check online, and you’ll see many owners complimenting its surprising sturdiness.  The Luggable Loo is an ingeniously simple solution to off-grid sanitary needs that you can put in storage during non-camping seasons.

Especially at campgrounds, it is the best choice for late-night bathroom visits, when full bathrooms are far away and it is dark out. You have your own easy, private facility time, but it is less conspicuous than the Green Elephant. Feel free to do your business with this.

Since it has a wide bucket base, it is much more stable than something like the Green Elephant. You don’t have to think about it sinking into the outdoor ground. It can provide the best stability that you need for unstable grounds.

We also noted that the cover did an excellent job at sealing off any potential offensive odors.

Having all the waste inside the bucket makes this a bit less awkward to look at than the Green Elephant. You’re not seeing an open latrine pit or a bag of fresh unmentionables. This one keeps waste all nicely contained.

Speaking of containment, you can outfit the Luggable Loo in a variety of ways. You can use regular trash bags if you are on a tight budget. Or, get a latrine bag that turns urine to gel for more effective containment. You can add things like sawdust, sand, or peat moss to your waste bin as well. The idea is to absorb any liquids and reduce odors.

We also noted that the cover did an excellent job at sealing off any potential offensive odors. The cover fits very snugly over the seat, which helps to keep any smells from escaping the waste compartment. The closure and liners work very well in combination and are an easy, excellent portable camping companion. And while you may as well use the Luggable Loo liner replacements, you can certainly substitute any trash bag you like.

The big, swinging bucket handle is extremely easy to use.


The primary issue some will have with The Luggable Loo is the length of the seat. Some folks will definitely think it is uncomfortably low. It should be mentioned, however, that some shorter people think it just right for their needs. You can always put it on some kind of platform, but that adds another thing to your load when you go camping.

If you are on the taller side, you’ll probably think that the design would be more comfortable with a taller compartment and seat, but since it is primarily used for occasional camping or emergencies, the size shouldn’t be a deal-breaker. Check with a yardstick to make sure.

Another common complaint we found online was the plastic lid, which isn’t the best. Though the bucket is made of durable material, the topper—according to some customers—was flimsy and broke easily. We haven’t had issues, but that’s something to be mindful of. Just be gentle with it and be aware that it might not be suitable for the very heaviest users.

In addition, some of these reviews assert that the latch holding the toilet closure is also weak by design. They said that it easily wore out and that the clip part of the latch had a very loose fit which came undone easily. Again, that’s not something we’ve experienced, but it is worth mentioning. It might not be the best over the long term. 

Finally, the Luggable Loo lists the capacity on the product itself—but not on the Amazon product page. That capacity is 200 lbs, though many users well over 200 pounds claimed it held their weight without issue. Check to make sure it’s suitable for you.

Still, many shoppers might not feel comfortable taking such a risk. The Luggable Loo broke for at least one user over the capacity limit. This one’s definitely not as heavy-duty as the Green Elephant. Make sure you check limitations if you or someone in your party is on the heavier side!


3. Camco 4154 Portable Toilet

You can use it for years and have a civilized toilet experience wherever you can park your unit!

The other two portable toilets we’ve recommended in this guide are generally designed for infrequent use since tent campers and hikers are usually more concerned about the easy “portability” aspect of portable toilets.

If you need to buy a portable camping toilet for more prolonged and regular use—if you are an RV owner, trucker, or cabin owner—you might prefer the Camco 4154 Portable Toilet. It is made specifically for RVs and campers. You can use it for years and have a civilized portable toilet experience wherever you can park your unit!

This Camco Model is a self-contained portable toilet unit, with lightweight construction and a 5.3-gallon waste tank. The easy flushing mechanism takes a small amount of freshwater, using a bellows-type pump to flush water from the water tank into the waste tank for effective removal.

The toilet seat itself is about 16.5” inches high, and the unit weighs 11.5 pounds when empty. The upper and sides have handles for easier transport, and the tank is secured to the upper portion of the toilet with latches on the side. It is not difficult to put in storage because of its relatively compact size.

The waste tank has a sliding gate valve to prevent odors and water leakage. Deodorizing packets can be purchased for additional stink-fighting power. Disposal is easy and relatively fail-proof—the lower waste tank is detachable and features a pull tab for emptying.


Camco 4154

Compared to the other two portable potty choices on this list, the Camco 4154 toilet will feel the most similar to a household toilet. It is pretty similar to sit on, and the toilet flushing mechanism works in much the same way, only there’s a compact waste tank instead of your septic waste tank. Its use isn’t limited to outdoors like the Green Elephant, and the Camco will be much more comfortable, easy and pleasant to use over extended periods of time than the Luggable Loo.

These factors make it best for longstanding use. If you are looking for a toilet for your RV, homestead, or boat, the Camco is definitely worth checking out. It is very solid, so you can expect to get years of use from one of these.

Additionally, any owners of the Camco assert that the toilet unit, when used correctly, doesn’t smell at all.  It is similar to any standard loo with a flush in that regard. Particularly for RV and trailer owners, escaping toilet odors is a primary concern. The included sanitary packs make a huge difference in keeping waste tank odors to a minimum, though. We’d recommend stocking up when you purchase.

The waste tank is large enough to go a while without having to empty it. It’s quite a large waste tank compared with similar portable toilets in this style.

It is very solid, so you can expect to get years of use from one of these.

The final pro many prospective toilet buyers will deem appealing is the relatively low price and value of the Camco 4154. This portable toilet is less expensive than other similar models, even those with lower ratings. It is definitely more expensive than our other portable toilet recommendations but it is well below the average price in its category.


One important criticism among negative reviewers was the location of the water tank. For flushing purposes, the 2.5-gallon freshwater tank is located at the highest part of the unit. This makes the Camco toilet a bit heavy when the water tank is full but the waste tank is empty.

There’s no dedicated handle, either, though it’s easy to grab without one. 

Any toilet with a flush will require water to, well, flush! Be aware that you’ll have to fill the water tank each time you set this up.

Because of this element, it is important that RV owners and those transporting the Camco in a vehicle may want to look for some other way to secure this portable toilet when in motion. They said it is fairly heavy and prone to tipping (which can obviously get quite disgusting). You’ll probably want to check and secure it for travel with a bungee cord or other straps.

Additionally, there were a significant number of buyers who pointed out that the pull-out lever tab has a tendency to get stuck over time. Many owners came up with creative solutions to this problem—one reviewer suggested olive oil, while another used vaseline to grease the lever. They said that really any lubricant, even something like WD40 made a big difference. This is by no means a dealbreaker for us. It is simply something to be aware of. If you think this is one of the services you absolutely must-have, this might not be the best portable toilet for you.

Finally, the toilet seat of the Camco is 13 inches wide, which may be a little too small for consistent ease of use for certain campers. If you are on the larger end of the spectrum, you may want to consider a larger portable RV model that can give you the service you need. However, RV loos, on the whole, are definitely more compact than those you’d purchase for a house.


4. Dometic 301097202 Portable Toilet

It is a material known for its ability to withstand even the harshest of environmental concerns such as rain.

The Dometic portable toilet markets itself as a semi-real toilet but in portable form. It is a camp toilet that is at the higher end of the budget range but has a more than adequate 2.6 gallon of capacity. If you have more space to spare in your camping van or car, you definitely should make room for this camping toilet that makes you feel right at home. It’s the best luxury toilet choice. 

Crafted from ABS plastic material, you will never deal with corrosion or leaks. It is a material known for its ability to withstand even the harshest of environmental concerns such as rain. The material is also reliable when it comes to its easy cleaning functions.

Check out our guide: How to Clean a Porta Potty


Dometic 301097202

This is quite a well-constructed outdoor portable and camp toilet. Unlike all the others that will make you feel iffy when you use them, so foreign and unusual their design is, this portable toilet actually looks like a toilet. You can sit on it like you would a regular toilet. It’ll last a long time, too! 

The 2.6-gallon waste tank capacity should be just right for the toilet needs of a medium-sized family. You won’t feel the need to empty the tank too often. But if you think you need more, there are bigger sizes available. The bigger-sized one has 5 gallons of capacity. The added capacity also offers a more ideal size for those with mobility issues. It even comes with a waste tank level indicator that will tell you when it is time to clear out the toilet waste tank.

You can sit on it like you would a regular toilet.

The easy closure latches to the toilet securely. You do not have to worry that you will accidentally dislodge the top and send all the waste tank contents spilling. That definitely brings peace of mind. Aside from that, it also brings convenience. This prevents requiring too much-pumping power. It also features a longer pivoting discharge spout, which basically eliminates chances for a mess.

The handle makes it extremely easy to get around.


It is not foldable like other systems out there. You might have a hard time lugging it around if you already have many other things to bring on your camping trip. But that should be worth it considering how great its toilet-like design is.


5. Sanitation Equipment Visa Potty Model

You can sit on it and not squat like some other portable toilets out there.

Got a bit more money to spare? Consider this one. It has that real toilet look and feel to it. You can sit on it and not squat like some other portable toilets out there. It also has a flush feature! 

This portable toilet system has all the bells and whistles. From its replaceable piston flush pump that ensures a wider coverage when cleaning the bowl surface to the deep bowl for superior flush system functionality, you will be hard-pressed to look for something bad about it. When it comes to storage, it doesn’t require a big footprint. You can catch up and check your email while using it.


Sanitation Equipment Visa Potty Model

The coziness level of this portable toilet is unparalleled. It will truly make you feel as if you are sitting on a real toilet. The length is better compared to other choices. You won’t struggle to get on and off of it. The bowl is also deeper compared to similar systems, which further enhances ease of use. It will make you feel like you are using the toilet you have at home while checking your email.

The tank waste level and freshwater level indicator are nifty features.

No need to worry about accidentally spilling the contents while moving it. The lid has a snap closure that prevents the inside from spilling out en route. It even effectively minimizes vibrations.

It has a flush like the Camco, so it feels a lot more like your home throne than other portable models.

The waste tank fill level and freshwater level indicator are nifty features. They tell you when you need to fill it up with fresh water or when you need to clear it out. It eliminates the guessing game that usually happens in standard portable toilets. Removing the content is easier as well. The vent in the holding tank system is a nice addition as it makes removal a cinch. It also helps users keep the toilet clean faster.


This system does look clunkier than other foldable portable choices out there. If you do not have room in your car for this product, you might think it is too big for your needs.

Since this system needs water to flush, that’s one more thing to consider.


6. Cleanwaste GO Anywhere Complete Toilet System

Why not get yourself the complete setup?

Why stop at getting a portable toilet? Why not get yourself the complete setup? This one fits that bill. The entire package comes with a portable toilet, a 6-inch floorless privacy shelter, and a backpack to store that all in. The product weighs 19 lbs., so if you aren’t doing any backpacking and the camping ground isn’t too far from the parking area, you shouldn’t have issues bringing this one along. If services in the area are not difficult to access, it should be a good one.


Cleanwaste GO Anywhere Complete system

Get maximum privacy with this portable camping toilet. It comes complete with a privacy shelter that can also double as a shower area. Now, you do not need to worry about finding a hidden spot to make sure you get privacy while you do your business. Many customers also said the privacy shelter is easy to assemble and takedown. It also holds up well against strong winds.

There are plenty of handle holds to use for carrying it around.

The kit comes with fifteen waste kits. That should last you for one camping trip but feel free to get more baskets. It doesn’t discriminate on the brand of waste kit to get. You are also getting wet wipes and toilet paper with your purchase.

The kit comes with fifteen waste kits.

The toilet itself is quite robust. It will hold up well against different user build. It will serve you well for years. Check your email while doing your business, that is how comfortable it is.



The Green Elephant is the best portable toilet, despite its relatively minor flaws. It is a great successor to our old favorite, the Travel Toilet. Simple and light, yet sturdy and comfortable, this is a great option for extended excursions and short camping trips alike where a clean toilet is nowhere to be found on the site. Just be prepared to get your own topper for it. Thankfully, you can make all sorts of easy solutions work. You can also leave it uncovered if it’ll be used in a location where the odor isn’t a concern. The Green Elephant is also the best option on this list if you are a traveler with limited space in your vehicle or tent—or if you have to carry all your things on your back.

The Luggable Loo is a good portable option for many campers, especially those on a budget. Though there are certainly those who could take issue with design elements of this portable toilet, we think it is well worth the price. It contains waste conveniently and can be lined in any number of easy ways.

Reliance’s portable toilet is a better choice if you will need to take it on short trips, as frequent and long-term use would likely become uncomfortable. Furthermore, some of the flimsier parts of the toilet may break under frequent strain. Check the limits before buying. 

It is also a great choice for individuals looking for a temporary solution to plumbing issues. If you are remodeling your bathroom or searching for a portable outdoor toilet for a home emergency preparedness kit, the Luggable Loo serves as a strong and inexpensive portable product.

If you are looking for a longer-term portable solution or service to plumbing issues, the Camco is our recommendation for you. A few minor design flaws do not undercut the largely positive opinion most users have towards this portable toilet. And since it is easy to put in storage when not used, this is a great portable choice for the average user.

The Dometic 301097202 Portable Toilet is a highly recommended toilet for camping for families. It has a good capacity that should last you through an entire day without needing to clear waste out. The construction is very solid and doesn’t get damaged easily in harsh environments. We recommend this for individuals who prefer the real toilet functionality outdoor. It has an easy one-button flush mechanism that makes it function like a real toilet. Glamping can be achieved with the help of this toilet.

The Sanitation Equipment Visa Potty Model is a more ideal choice for avid campers. If you go camping many times and you are just sick and tired of going back and forth to the common restrooms, go get yourself this one. It has a big capacity that can accommodate the needs of an entire family. You’ll need to haul both the unit and your water, though. 

The Cleanwaste GO Anywhere Complete Toilet System is a fitting choice for anyone who prefers a bit more privacy while they do their business. You are getting the whole package. The toilet is durable and has a good waste capacity. You will be able to use the toilet comfortably now even when you are outdoors

Out of all of the six portable toilets mentioned here the Green Elephant, Reliable Luggageable Loo, and Camco 4154 Portable Toilet are our three favorites. So how do you choose between the three?

The right porta toilet for you should be based on your needs and those of anyone you’re camping or traveling with as well as the services available around. Think about who’ll be using it, where it’ll be used, and how it’ll have to be transported.[1] Once you’ve thought through all those factors, you’ll find it easier to choose between our portable recommendations!

Those looking for a short-term, inexpensive solution that won’t set them back a significant amount of money should consider Reliance’s Luggable Loo. It is not great for lots of users or for extended trips, but it does the trick and stays nicely self-contained.

Adventurers who are looking for a comfortable toilet that’s as durable as it is portable, and will last for many camping trips to come, should check out the Green Elephant . It is easy to use, straightforward and works both with containers and with latrine pits. No water required!

Finally, for RV, cabin, boat, and other vehicle owners who are looking for a reusable, comfortable and consistent toilet that feels like home, the Camco 4154 is a great portable choice. It is the most “standard” and hygienic of the bunch. You’ll need water, though. 

Our number one choice for the most ideal portable toilet is the Green Elephant – portable and convenient – what more do you need?

Buying Guide

As you’ve seen in our reviews, there are lots of things to consider when you are choosing your new portable toilet. Below, we’ve included some vital factors to think about as you browse our reviews. Thinking about all these things upfront will help you make a smarter decision and end up with a better portable experience once you are actually camping.

Hang on, you ask–what’s the big deal with buying a portable outdoor camping toilet or a porta-potty? Isn’t it just a matter of bringing a bucket? Not so fast! It is important to have something comfortable, convenient, and sanitary. Otherwise, you may as well be squatting in the woods and using leaves instead of paper. Nobody wants that! Below, we’ll show you a range of portable toilets you can use to go to the bathroom comfortably and hygienically outdoors with the basic portable camping toilet service available. And these portable camping toilets don’t have to be as massive as a porta potty!

Make sure you have a look at all of our toilet recommendations to see which one is the best approach for you to take. With a wide variety of designs and sizes, not all of the portable toilets we’ve recommended will be right for your specific needs.

So, what makes a good product for “going” when you are on the go?

Ideally, portable outdoor camp-friendly portable toilets or a porta potty should be small in size (or collapsible) and easy to carry. Portable toilets can be placed in storage easily as well. They should be light and portable, with a handle or two, but also durable to take to the site. Though coziness might sometimes be a relative term when you are “roughing it,” a good camp toilet will at least not be painfully uncomfortable to use. This toilet will be a lot better than squatting over the ground or trying to perch on the bare rim of a plastic bucket!  

Portable toilets aren’t mutually exclusive, as our recommendations demonstrate. However, the more comfortable a toilet is, the heavier and bulkier it’ll likely be. The reverse is true as well.

There are many different types of portable toilets available for on-the-go use. Some portable “toilets” are little more than a seat over a bucket with bags, while others are sophisticated self-contained devices that are designed for regular portable use, such as in an RV. Some even include a water tank or a toilet paper holder!

We’ll introduce you to all your best portable toilets in this guide and all the services and amenities they can offer. In our reviews, we’ll talk through all the crucial differences and give you some guidance for choosing your ideal setup or stations.

So how do you pick the best portable camping toilet? Though the needs of each individual adventurer will vary significantly, there are some portable camping toilets that stand out above the rest:

[su_box title=”Our Ultimate Guide for the Best Portable Camping Toilets” style=”glass” box_color=”#f7dfa5″ radius=”4″]

Safe Waste Disposal

Where and how you’ll be disposing of your waste while camping is an important thing to think about when you are shopping for a portable toilet. Since you won’t be using a standard toilet with a flush that sends waste to a septic tank or leach field, you’ll need to get down and dirty with the process of disposing of your waste on the go without the tanks. It is important to be sure that you can do this conveniently, sanitarily, and efficiently. Think about what sort of waste disposal services are available in the camping grounds.

Depending on where you go camping or in the community, you may have an easy, reliable disposal facility onsite with big tanks. A restroom may be available, albeit it might take a bit of a walk to get there. If so, you’ll want to follow the instructions listed there. If the management requests that waste be bagged and then disposed of, you’ll want to be using a portable toilet with containers or dumping chemical buckets into them before emptying. If there’s a pit that accepts straight-up waste, you can pour it out right into there. Do your research and see whether any easy facilities exist before you buy any portable camping toilet.

In most cases, you’ll be disposing of waste on your own in some fashion or other.

If you are out in the woods and aren’t a large group, you can usually just bury waste. Just make sure you are just dealing with biological waste in relatively small quantities, so you do not need to worry about leaving it in the ground. It’ll decompose quite quickly and harmlessly even without proper disposal tanks.

Here’s how to do it. Use a folding toilet without a bag and dig a pit under where you’ll sit.

Safe Waste Disposal

Then, fill in the pit when you leave the area. Easy!

Do not do this around other campsites or where it’s prohibited, though. There are also some general etiquette and hygiene steps to take. Always dig pits at least 1 foot deep and 100 yards or further from any water source. You do not want to be contaminating anyone’s drinking water. You also do not want waste to be buried in a shallow pit that might be easily uncovered or disturbed.

Make sure you are only burying biological waste. Some people bury things like floss, tampons, and other hygiene products in the woods, thinking it’s a safe thing to do. All these things usually have plastic in them somewhere, so they do not decompose completely. Never bury anything that’s not human waste or toilet paper. Keep a separate, sealable bag to dispose of sanitary products at the end of your trip.  You can’t bury waste in plastics, either, but you can get biodegradable plastics to use with buckets and folding portable toilets. They’ll contain the waste during your camping trip but break down harmlessly when you bury them.

If burying waste isn’t a possibility, you can use a bag with a folding portable toilet to contain and transport waste to an appropriate disposal facility. Double-bagging is good practice if you use a dumpster. Try and prevent leakage in any way you can. Never put toilet plastics in someone else’s dumpster tanks. Use a campsite facility or bring it to the dump on your own. You should seek out a biological waste container wherever possible since excrement isn’t something you want to throw just anywhere.

Chemical bucket-type portable toilets are especially easy to use since you can just chuck the whole thing away after your camping trip. They usually turn any liquid waste into a gel, so it doesn’t simply leak out when you throw the bucket away. Buckets stay sealed quite well, but bagging them in a trash bag is a good precaution to take.

Make sure you are only burying biological waste.

Waste Volume

How much waste are you going to be needing your portable camp toilet to handle? Think about whether you’ll be capturing liquid waste or only solid waste. In most wooded locations, it is fine to go pee in the bushes rather than filling up your toilet receptacle with liquid waste. Think about how extended your camping trip will be, how many people will be going, and then get yourself a rough estimate. Plan on at least one #2 trip per person per day.

This is mostly to help you figure out how many containers or pits you’ll need unless you are buying a chemical bucket-type toilet. In that case, you’ll want to see whether one bucket will be enough or whether you need to bring multiple buckets. For folding portable toilets, figure out what kinds of plastic containers you’ll be bringing. Establish how much they each hold and how durable they are.

Think about how extended your camping trip will be, how many people will be going, and then get yourself a rough estimate.

Buyers Also Asked

How does a portable camping toilet work?

Most portable camping toilets work very similar to a regular toilet, they even flush! The only difference is that instead of waste being sucked down a drain it is put into a holding tank with chemicals that break down the waste and make it disposable. These chemicals also help to reduce smells, thankfully.

Can you poop in a portable camping toilet?

Yes, you can poop in a portable camping toilet. You just need to make sure you dispose of your waste correctly.

What’s Next?

Which is the best portable toilet for you?

Read more about how porta potties work here.

Are you ready to upgrade your home bathroom? Check out our guide to the best toilets and sit on a perfect throne every time.


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